Frequently Asked Questions

How are Mum Miam meals being prepared?

All our meals are home-cooked using organic or the finest ingredients from countries with trusted agriculture standards.

Are there salt, sugar and MSG in Mum Miam meals?

 All our meals are free from salt, artificial sugar, MSG, colouring and chemical preservatives. Every ingredient used for each meal preparation are listed in our website and product. 

Are the ingredients used safe for infants’ consumption?

All ingredients used are suitable and safe for each age group consumption. Please check the list of ingredients used for each meal to ensure that your child is not allergic to them. As we try our best to cater to every child, please contact us directly should your child has any allergy but would still like to try a particular dish.  

Are there any differences between the same dish listed in each age group?

We advise to select your child’s age group accordingly as the food texture or meal consistency are prepared based on each individual age group. For example, baby pasta is used for infants and meals prepared for toddlers are generally softer as compared to preschoolers.

How to store your Mum Miam meals?

All our meals and snacks are delivered frozen and can be kept in the freezer (-12°C) for up to 10weeks. If stored in fridge (4°C), please consume within 48 hours.

How to prepare your Mum Miam meals?

We would recommend to thaw your meals or snacks overnight in the fridge before you transfer them to a suitable heating bowl and reheat by

  • Steaming (8 to 10mins),
  • microwaving (1 to 2mins),
  • simmering in a pot/pan with a bit of liquid to prevent burning (3 to 5mins) or
  • in the oven for (3 to 5mins) *snacks only

For frozen meals, simply pop the meal out to a suitable heating bowl and it can be reheated using the same methods but double the time instead. Stir and check the food while reheating to avoid burning, taste it to check the temperature before serving. Recommended timings may vary depending on the steamer, microwave or oven used.


Orders placed will require a 3 to 5 working days preparation time as they are freshly made and frozen. You are able to select the date for delivery during checkout between

  • Monday to Friday from 2pm to 6pm or
  • Saturday from 10am to 4pm

We apologize but there will be no self-collection for the time being.

Delivery charges

There is a flat rate of $15 delivery fee with no minimum order. Please provide your contact number during checkout as we may contact you before or during delivery. In the event if you missed the scheduled delivery, there will be a surcharge of $15 for rescheduling.

Free delivery for orders above $180.